Monday, March 9, 2009

Deo Gratias

Deo Gratias: Heard this Latin phrase for the first time in a certain Korean movie and it has stayed with me ever since. A part of the reason might be its pronunciation with the 'sh' and my fixation for the same. But there was this bigger reason at work - what it stands for - Thanks be to God (for the graces received).

A simple 'Thank you, God' would have sufficed. But it is used so matter of factly that it fails to elicit such awe. The commonplaceness detracts from the focus. Things loose their meaning when weighed down by the everydayness. A case in point being the customary chorus of 'Good Morning, Sir' in school. What adds to the charm of Deo Gratias is its alienism…makes it perfect to be my idiosyncrasy :)

I am not religious but am no atheist either. Whether God exists and how many of them are there, if they do, is beyond my capacity. But what I believe in is that there is this bigger force at work - which drives this world. Deo Gratias is my plea to Him to guide me, to keep me humble and to prosper me (why else is humility always associated with the achievers :P). Deo Gratias is my gratitude towards him. Deo Gratias is my mantra.

About the blog: This blog, I hope, would be my mirror to reflect back on my life - my actions and observations; my thoughts and emotions. Having said that, I won't always choose to be the Sad Socrates as opposed to the Happy Pig. I won't let the fun and spontaneity of my life to be lost in heavy analyses and deep ruminations. I would rather let life flow. Hence, this blog would also be a chronicle of the good, bad and ugly facets of my life. This would be my Life! The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

Finally, how come the motivation for the blog? Well, this blog is powered by my love for writing. It is powered by the idea of making me appear more intelligent/ thoughtful/ humorous than I actually am. And last but not the least, it is powered by blogger :D


  1. Nice blog to start with. It carries a trademark of you, the immense effort put in.
    Good blog on a unique topic.

    "Good Morning" also reminds me of the wishes that I and others utter to many including me in office just for the sake of it :P

    Btw, the pronunciation of "Deo Gratias" doesn't have a "sh", from what I know Piyus

    "powered by blogger" :P

  2. No comments....

    btw how many times did you open your personal dictionary for this.....and found those words with ess's :P

    Nice effort though

  3. Way to go, man!!
    Waiting for more

  4. Sahi hai ... good start ... aur likhte rehna!

  5. Liked the blog...i think the biggest hurdle is the first hurdle and u seem to be getting hang of things from the start itself

    liked the blend of intellect-"Sad Socrates as opposed to the Happy Pig" (forced me onto Google :D)and subtle humor- "why else is humility always associated with the achievers :P" and "powered by blogger"- i knew it was coming :P

    and abt ur fixation with "sh", i think you are more obsessed about mentioning this fact than actually being obsessed with "sh" :P

    definitely looking forward to your life - "the good, the bad and the ugly", especially the bad and the ugly !!!

    keep posted
